
4-44 Section 4: Master File Entry
Assigned PIN numbers can be printed out (see Section 3, SE 422 PIN Master Report). Also, it
is possible, but not recommended, to override the system-wide default values entered here (see
Device Entry, SE 422, in this section). A sample data entry screen follows:
PIN Digits. Optional. Enter 4 or 5. Default is 4.
PIN Seed. Optional. Enter a number in the range 0 — 999999. Default is 0.
Various special-function subdevices may be connected to the SE 422. These include input
monitoring or output control devices (MIROs), proximity key or magnetic stripe card readers, and
keypads allowing PIN entry.
The subdevices as connected to the SE 422 are known as nodes on the SE 422 communications
network. A node is further defined by assigning it a point ID, by entering the device ID of the SE
422 to which the subdevice is attached, the communication address (node) number of the
attachment, the report number to use if the device fails, and the serial number of the subdevice.
A sample data entry screen follows.
Point ID. Required. Enter a four-digit point ID and device description.
Device ID. Required (zoom available). Enter an existing SE 422 device ID.
Node Number. Required. Note that each node device must have an address (or serial
number) assigned to it with the Serial Command during database setup. Enter a node number
in the range 1 — 18.