If dryers
do not operate
properly.. .
Check the following to be
sure thcrt:
1, Electric supply Is. connected.
2. Circuit breakers are not tripped or
fuses blown.
3. Doors are closed.
4. Controls are set in a running or
‘ON’ position.
\me whirlpod Consumer Assistance
i Center will answer any questions
1 about operating or maintainlng your
idryers not covered in your Operating
i Instructions. The Whlrlpod Consumer
/Assistance Center number Is (800)
~25%1301. Dial just as you normally
:dial long distance - the call is free.
Moving the:
dryers to a new
locatton.. .
bnut off electric supply t 3 dryers.
Disconnect power supp y cords
and external grounding wires.
Tati securely to dryer.
Tape the drums to the fr xt
Tape doors.
Adjust leveling legs all tt e way in.
Before Installing dryers In c I )xw
location, check with a Ilcc !nsed
electrlcian to confirm tha the
supply voltage matches ti >e
voltage specified on the : erial/
rating plate located In the! door
well of the dryers.
,Printed on recycled paper.
10% post cansumer waste/
ELI% recovered materlals.
Part No. 3390148 Rev./D
@ 1993 Whhpool Corporation
Prepared by Whirlpool Corporation, Berrton Harbor, Michigan 49022
Printed in U.S.A.