l Read all instructions before using l Do not allow children to operate, play
your dryer. with, or crawl inside your dryer. Supervise
l Dryer must be electrically grounded.
children when they are near your dryer.
See the Installation Instructions. l Do not reach into a dryer if the drum
l Do not machine wash or machine dry
is moving.
items cleaned, washed, soaked in, or
l Install and/or store dryer where it will not
spotted with wax, paint, gasoline, oil, dry
be exposed to the weather.
cleaning solvents, or other flammable
fluids. The fumes can create a fire hazard
l Do not tamper with the controls.
or explosion. Always hand wash and line
l Do not dry rubber, rubber-like, or heat-
dry items containing these materials.
sensitive materials with heat.
l Do not wash or dry items that are soiled
l Unplug the power supply cord or turn off
with vegetable or cooking oil. These
electrical power before attempting to
items may contain some oil after laun-
service your dryer. Also, shut off gas
dering. Due to the remaining oil, the
valve if you have a gas dryer.
fabric may smoke or catch fire by itself.
l When removing from service or discard-
* Store flammable solvents or fluids away
ing a dryer, always remove the door to
from your dryer.
prevent accidental entrapment.
l Dry cleaning solvents or fluids should
l Clean lint screen before or after each
never be put directly into your dryer.
l Do not let dust, lint, paper, rags, chemi-
l Use only fabric softeners specifically
cals, etc., pile up around or under
labeled as not being harmful to the dryer.
the dryer.
l Do not allow lint to build up inside the
dryer or exhaust system. Cleaning should
be done periodically by a qualified person.
Understanding your responsibilties
l Be sure that your dryer:
-is used only for jobs normally expected
-is located in an area where the
of home clothes dryers.
temperature is above 45°F (7°C).
-is not used by anyone unable to operate
-is properly installed in a well-ventilated
it properly.
room and leveled on a floor that can
l Never operate the dryer if:
support the weight.*
- it is damaged.
-is connected to the proper outlet and
electrical supply.*
- parts are missing.
-is properly connected to fuel and
- all panels are not in place.
exhaust systems (gas dryers must be
-the lint screen is loose, damaged, or
vented outdoors).*
-is not installed against draperies or cur-
* See the Installation Instructions for com-
tains, or on carpet.*
plete information.
-is properly maintained, repaired, and has
parts replaced by a qualified person.