FSP IS a registered trademark
of whirlpool Corparallon for
quolityparts Look for this
symbol of quol!ty whenever
ycu need a replacement pari
@ forywr Whirlpod appliance
FSP replacement parts
will fit tight ond work right, because they are
mode to Ihe’same exacting specifications
used to bclild every new Whirlpool appliance
Quality. Our way of life.
Benian Harbor, Michlpan. Automalic Washers, Clolhes Dryers,
Freezers, Relrlgeretor-Freezers. Ice Makers, Dishwashers.
llulli-In Ovens and Sutlace Units, Ranges. Microwave Ovens.
Compaclors, Atom Air Condiiioners, Oehumidlfiers. Cenlral
Healing and Air Conditioning Systems.
Part No. 691260
Printed in U.S.A.