Adjusting the oven temperature control
Oven temperature controls will gradually
shii after years of use. So, even though
your new oven is properly adjusted to
accurate temperatures, it may cook
faster or dower than your old oven.
If, after using the oven for a perid of time,
you are not satisfied with the temperature
settings, you ten adjust them by following
1. Make sure the Oven Temperature
Control Knob is turned to the off position.
Pull knob straight off and flip it over.
Lo4xen the locking screws inside the
control knob. Note the position of ths
3. To bwer the temperature, turn knob
skirt cbckwlse and move the tooth a
notch to the left. Each notch equals about
1 O’F (5%).
4. To raise the temperature, turn knob
skirt counterclockwise and move the
tooth a notch to the right. Each notch
equals about
10°F (5%).
5. Tighten the locking screws and replace
. .
. . .
the control I<nob.