Model LA7805XK only
Using the
If your washer has the
SUDS-MISER” System, rt has two dram
hoses One hose drains wash water
Into the storage tub, the other carrres
rinse water to the drain
The storage tub should hold at
least 20 gallons (76 liters] If you do
not want to re-use wash water, leave
the stopper out of the storage tub
so the water drams away.
The basket in your super
copacrty washer holds more than 20
gallons (74 liters) when the LOAD
IS set on EX LARGE
Because so many storage tubs hold
only 20 gallons, your washer is
designed to save most of the wash
water and pump the rest down the
If you have a storage tub
big enough to hold about 25 gal-
lons (95 liters), you can have a
qualified installer convert your
washer to save all the wash water.
Cycle, part of the wash water IS
drained away (wrth part of the deter-
gent) Then the washer fills again
wrth cold water This helps keep per
manent press fabrrcs from wrrnklrng
durtng the sprn
To Re-Use Wash Water
To pump the used wash water
back Into the washer, push in the
Cycle Control Knob. Turn It to the right
(clockwrse) so it points to SUDS just
before the time numbers in the SUPER
WASH Cycle
Pull the Control Knob out The
washer WIII start pumping the used
water into the basket. About an Inch
of water will stay rn the storage tub.
This water will contain most of the soil
that settles out.
When the washer is finrshed
pumping, fresh water will finish filling
the basket to the selected level
When the washer stops filling,
push the Cycle Control Knobin. Add
about half the recommended
amount of detergent [See page 7 )
Add the load of laundry, pull
the Cycle Control Knobout
To Save Wash Water
Be sure the stopper is in the
storage tub. The SUDS-MISER system
does not save wash water from the