Operating Instructions
Starting your washer
Be sure 10 measure and add detergent then place a sorted load In the washer before
starting it.
1. Select a load size
Position the Load Size Selector at the
setting that describes the size of load
you want to wash.
9 The selector can be set anywhere on
or between EX SMALL (a few small
items) and EX LARGE (a full load).
To change the water level after the
washer has started to fill, slide the
selector to RESET then to the desired
water level.
NOTE: For best washing results. Items
should move freely In the washer. Do
not overload the washer or choose a
water level that IS too low for your wash
For best results with permanent
press clothes, use the EX LARGE water
Reduce wash time when using EX
SMALL or SMALL water level settings.
Loads with only a few small items need
less wash time for best results.
2. Touch a temperature selection
Match the water temperature to the
type of fabnc and SOIIS being washed
The top temperature IS the wash
selectIon and the bottom temperature
the rinse selectlon.
An Indicator shows which temperalure
has been selected
NOTE: Use warm wash water with the
GENTLE Cycles.
For heavily soiled permanent press
or knit clothes. pre-wash or pre-soak
before washing In warm water
ALWAYS use cold rinse water for
permanent press fabrics