your Dryer
Put the sorted load in the dryer
and close the door tightly.
2. Turn the Cycle Control Knob to a
cycle and cycle tlme.
Turn the Control Knob either way until It
pornts to the number of minutes you want
in the cycle you want
Use the HEAT Cycle for regular family
loads such as towels, sheets, clothes
etc The last 5 rnrnutes in this cycle are
wr+hout heat to cool down the load
Use the AIR Cycle to fluff or damp dry
items that must not be heated
Examples of no-heat items include
plastrc shower curtarns, tablecloths, rub-
ber backed rugs, overshoes and foam-
rubber stuffed toys or p~tlqws
3. Push the Start Button.
Make sure the dryer door IS closed and
the Cycle Control Knob IS set to a cycle
and time
If the dryer door IS not closed, the dryer
will not start
If the dryer door IS opened while the
dryer IS running the dryer ~111 stop TO
restart the dryer,
close the door and
push the Start Button
IMPORTANT: To reduce wrinkling,
take the load from the dryer as
soon as tumbling stops. This is very
important for permanent press,
knits and other synthetic fabrics.
4. To stop the dryer:
Open the door
Or, turn the Cycle Control Knob to one
of the OFF positrons
To change the setting while the
dryer is running,
turn the Cycle Contro!
Knob, either way, so it points to the set-
ting you want.
NOTE: The Cycle Control Knob should
point to OFF when the dryer is not
being used.
Setting Drying
Times -
Modern dryers are desrgned
tilth dvrng temperatures needed +o
safely handle modern fabrrcs Cool-
down times have been added to heat
settings You might notice slightly
longer drying trmes
The time it takes to dry a load
depends on
“‘e kmd of fubrc /ts weight and ?he
s’je c,+ +?e /cod A large load of jeans
WIII take a iot longer to dry than a
small load of light synthetics
‘?e omoont of 9o:sture ir- the load
Towels hold a lot of moisture. synthetics
don’t Synthetrcs dry faster