Mixed loads
When drying a load with different
kinds and weights of fabrics, use the
cycle suggested for the lightest fab-
rics. When the dryer stops, remove
dry items and reset the control.
To help reduce wrinkling, take
the load from the dryer as soon
as tumbling stops. This is very
important for permanent press,
knits and other synthetic
Suggested load sizes
Use these load size recommendations for your compact dryer. Do not
use the load sizes for larger capacity dryers that are listed in the”Dryer
Permanent press
or knils
1 dress
6 shorts OR
2 pairs slacks 2 panlsults OR
2 blouses 3-4 dresses
Medium weigh1
1 pair pajamas
2 pillowcases
3 shirts
2 sets of underwear
1 king or queen-size sheet OR
1 double sheet and 2
pillowcases OR
2 single sheers and
2 pillowcases
3 work shirts
2 work pants
8 balh lowels OR
6 bath towels,
3 hand towels and
6 washclolhs OR
3 pairs of jeans
End-of-cycle signal
The dryer sounds a signal to let you know
when the cycle is finished.The signal cannot be
turned off and is not adjustable.
The signal is helpful when you are drying
permanent press, synthetics and other items
that should be taken out as soon as the dryer