loading your
For best drb ~ng results and energy
savings sort dryer 0ods carefully
Separate loads
according to
the type of fabric ZIIT weight For
Dry neovi fabrics der;lrns towels
cottons] separote v frcml light fabrrcs
(permanent press svnthetics)
0 Seporote tint givers (toMes, sweat-
shirts, etc 1 from lrrlt takers (synthetics,
blends, permanent Dress]
Keep dark colors and lgh+ colors
Keep colorfast Items ~WCIY from non-
colorfast fobrrcs
Allow room
for Items to tumble
freely The load WII’ drv foster with fewer
When dryrng permanent press,
dry smaller-than-normal
loads for the
best wrinkle removal
Use a mesh bag
to hold small
Items such as bobb socks
Read the Dryer Guide
for more
hints on sorting and loadrng
lint Screen
The lint screen
under the IId on
tx Df the dryer
CieaP +t>e I ,nT screen betore eccn
~~:x 4 screen that s blocked by lint
car cause longer drying times
-c re’-‘xe +“e screerl open the
lld and pull the screen straight out Rot
the lent off the screen with your fingers
DO NOT rinse the screen or wash
Wet lint IS hard to remove
When replacing the screen, push
,+ firmly Into place Close the IId