4. Ii you have a ptobtem” . . .
servlce CISSIS~
:ance telephone wrnber (see Step 2)
XC ,alk with one of our Consultants. or If
u prefer, write 1’7
V 2~ rurner .;ic:e
&-drlpum~ Corp7ctlim
4;yi r.istatlve Z:erWr
2! ‘31:
33 Norfr
$~r:rrx- rioha :A! 4932L
*If you must call 01 write, please provide:
m,odel number serial number. date ?f
purchase, and a compiete descriptlor of
?Fe problem This lnfcvmatlon IS need&
r order to better respond to your request
ff2i ossisronce
Benlon Harbor. Michigan. Aulomalic Washers. Clolhes Dryers.
Freezers, Relrlgeralor-Freezers. Ice Makers. Bishwashers.
Eullt-in Ovens and Surlace Unils. Ranges. MIcrowave Ovens.
Compactors, Room Air Condilioners. Dehumidifiers, Cenlral
Heating and Air Conditlonlng Systems
Port No 690725 ‘?PJ t
PrInted in U S A