The TUMBLE PRESS setting removes
The dryer does not heat when the
wrinkles from dry clothing such as
Control Knob is set on FLUFF AIR. This
items that may have been packed
setting can be used to fluff bedding,
in a suitcase, closet, or items not
plastic tablecloths, foam rubber pii-
removed from the dryer.
lows, stuffed toys, sneakers, etc.
1. Set Control Knob to TUMBLE PRESS.
The load will tumble in heated air
1. Turn the Control Knob to the number
for lominutes. The heat shuts off and
of minutes you want in FLUFF AIR.
the dryer continues to tumble the
2. Push the START Button.
load for 10 more minutes.
For best results,TUMBLE PRESS only
a few items at a time. Put them on
hangers or fold them as soon as the
dryer stops.
When you are unable to unload the
dryer as soon as it stops, wrinkles can
Gentle Heat
If you don’t open the door within 5
The dryer automatically reduces the
minutes after the dryer stops, FINISH
heat settings in HEAVY HIGH and PERM’T
GUARD to kes over automatically to
PRESS MED cycles. The last 5 minutes
protect the load. You don’t have to set
of each of these cycles gradually
the Control Knob for FINISH GUARD.
reduces the dryer temperature to a
lower heat settfng. This helps reduce
FINISH GUARD tumbles the load,
without heat, every 5 minutes for up to
40 minutes. This tumbling rearranges
and fluffs the load to help avoid the
wrinkles that set in when the load
remains in the warm dryer.