Whirlpool franchised TECH-CARE@ service
If your WHIRLPOOL appliance ever needs serviceanywhere
in the United States, help is just a phone call away. .to your
nearest TECH-CARE service representative.
Whrrlpool maintains a nationwide network of franchised
TECH-CARE servrce companies to fulfill your warranty and
provide after-warranty service and maintenance to keep your
WHIRLPOOL appliance in peak condition.
You’ll find your nearest TECH-CARE servicecompany listed
in your local telephone book Yellow Pages under
Washers/Dryers-Repairing or Servicing. Should you not find a
listing, dral free, the Whirlpool COOL-LINE@ servrce assistance
telephone number (800)253-1301. When calling from:
Mrchigan Dial (800) 632-2243
Alaska& Hawaii.. _. Dial (800) 253-l 121
If you move..
Call the TECH-CARE service representative in your local
area. He’ll see to the installation of WHIRLPOOL appliances in
your new home. promptly, expertly and fairly priced to you.
Helptul hints. .
You can help your TECH-CARE service representative give
you faster service if you include the model and serial number of
your appliance when requesting service. Also, retain your sales
slrp and warranty to verify your warranty status.
Your TECH-CARE service representative is specially lrained
in the expert repairing and servicing of your WHIRLPOOL
appliances. He can help you maintain the quality originally built
into your WHIRLPOOL appliance. So why not take the trme, now,
to look up his telephone number and fat it down in the space
provrded below.
My TECH-CARE service representative’s telephone number is:
Range hood model number.
Range hood serial number:
Purchase and/or installation date:
Harbor, Mlchlgan.
Automatrc Washers,
Clothes Dryers, Freezers, Refngerator-Freezers,
Ice Makers, DIshwashers. Built-In Ovens and
Surface Units, Ranges, MIcrowave Ovens, Food
Waste Drsposers. Compactors, Room Air
Conditioners, Dehumidifiers, Central Heating and
Air Conditioning Systems
PART NO. 830806A
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