the flow charts on the last page of this manual to
determine the possible outlet temperature and flow
rate combinations. Based on the United States
Department of Energy method of testing water
heater output, the T-K1S is rated for 242 gallons
per hour, or 4.0 GPM, at a 77° F rise above the
inlet temperature. Refer to the following chart of
typical household flow rates to determine what the
T-K1S can do in a household application.
Remember that for bathing, cold water will be
mixed for a comfortable
temperature, increasing
the flow output rate.
Freeze Prevention
This unit comes equipped with heaters that
discourage the unit from freezing. For this freeze
prevention system to operate there has to be
electrical power to the unit.
The freeze prevention devices will not work if the
electrical power source is disconnected. The unit
has been rated for temperatures down to 5º F (-15º
C) in a wind free environment. The wind chill factor
will cause the unit to freeze at temperatures above
5º F (-15º C), even if the unit is installed indoors.
For indoor installation in areas where the
temperature will be well below freezing for
extended periods of time, use the “thermostat
extension cable” to relocate the internal thermostat
located on the fan motor to the outdoors. This will
sense the ambient air temperature and turn the
internal heater blocks on to prevent the heat
exchanger from freezing.
For further protection install a TK-TV03 backflow
prevention kit so that cold air will not backflow into
the flue and cause the unit to freeze. Do not install
the water heater in an area with extremely cold
weather. This will void your warranty and Takagi
Industrial Co. USA Inc. will not be responsible for
any damage that occurs.
WARNING: The pipe heaters are located on the
Flash Water Heater only. Any hot or cold water
pipes located outside of the unit will not be
protected. Properly protect and insulate these
pipes from freezing.
If the heater will not be in use for a long period of
time or if the temperatures will drop below 5º F (-
15º C) with the wind chill factor, turn off heater and
drain the unit of water. This applies to indoor and
outdoor installations. This will keep the unit from
freezing and being damaged.
Follow these instructions carefully:
1. Turn off the power supply to the Flash Water
2. Close manual gas control valve.
3. Close manual water shut off valve.
4. Open all hot water taps in the house.
(Bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, etc.). When
the water flow has ceased, close all hot water
5. Have a bucket to catch the water from the
unit’s drain plugs. Remove the drain plugs to
drain the water out of the unit.
6. Let drain for 5 minutes.
7. Securely screw the drain plugs back into place.
Follow these steps when it is again safe to use the
water heater:
1. Make sure all hot water taps are closed and
the drain plugs are securely attached.
2. Purge the water line of debris.
3. Open manual water control valve located on
the water supply line.
4. Open all the hot water taps to verify water
flows to the taps. Close hot water taps.
5. Open manual gas control valve located on the
gas supply line.
6. Turn on the power supply to the Flash Water
Household Flow Rates
Appliance / Use
Flow Rate
Lavatory Faucet 1.0
Bath Tub 4.0
Shower 2.0
Kitchen Sink 1.5
Dishwasher 1.5
Washing Machine 2.0
Taken from UPC 1997