Heavyweight items Heavy High More 45 Damp Dry Signal Offers stepped drying starting
such as towels or Duty Normal Wrinkle Shield
with High heat followed by Medium
heavy work clothes Less Static Reduce heat for enhanced fabric care
EcoBoost and energy savings.
Work clothes, casual Normal Medium More 38 Damp Dry Signal Uses Medium heat to dry large
wear, mixed cottons, Normal Wrinkle Shield
loads of mixed fabrics and items.
sheets, corduroys Less Static Reduce Normal is the preferred energy
EcoBoost cycle.
Jeans and denims Jeans Medium More 50 Damp Dry Signal Stepped driving uses High heat
Normal Wrinkle Shield
initially, followed by Medium heat
Less Static Reduce to drive moisture from jeans and
EcoBoost denims.
Jackets, comforters, Bulky Medium More 55 Damp Dry Signal Use for drying large, bulky items;
pillows Items Normal Wrinkle Shield
do not overll dryer drum. Partway
Less Static Reduce through the cycle, the signal will
EcoBoost sound for 2 minutes to indicate
when it is time to rearrange items
for optimal drying.
Shirts, blouses, Casual Low More 35 Damp Dry Signal Uses a stepped drying temperature
permanent press, Normal Wrinkle Shield
from Medium to Low for improved
synthetics, Less Static Reduce moisture removal and enhanced
lightweight items EcoBoost fabric care.
Undergarments, Delicate Extra Low More 35 Damp Dry Signal Uses Extra Low heat to gently
blouses, lingerie, Normal Wrinkle Shield
dry delicate items.
performance wear Less Static Reduce
Large loads of cotton Towels High Normal 60 Wrinkle Shield This is a long cycle with high heat,
towels, heavyweight which has been proven to reduce
items household bacteria. This cycle is
not recommended for all fabrics.
Use for large loads of heavyweight
fabrics such as cotton towels.
Items to dry: Cycle:
Cycle Details:
Settings and options shown in bold are default settings for that cycle.
Not all features and cycles are available on all models.
Not all settings and options are available on each cycle.
Load Size Recommendations
For best results, follow the wet load size recommendations noted
for each cycle.
Small load: Fill the dryer drum with 3-4 items,
not more than 1/4 full.
Medium load: Fill the dryer drum up to about 1/2 full.
Large load: Fill the dryer drum up to about 3/4 full.
Do not overload. Items need to tumble freely.
Use Auto Cycles for better fabric care and energy savings
The dryer senses moisture in the load or air temperature and shuts off when the load reaches the selected dryness level.
Use the NORMAL dryness level to provide optimal energy savings.
Or Wrinkle Shield with Steam (on some models). Wrinkle Shield with Steam is available only with High and Medium Drying Temperature settings.