• Press
Down to display the number of regenerations initiated by this electronic
control since the LE code number was entered.
6. Press and hold the
PROGRAM button until LE31 shows in the display.
This code identifies the softener model. If the wrong number shows, the softener will operate on
incorrect programming.
7. Return the present time display — Press the
PROGRAM button.
8. To change LE number — Press the
Up or
Down button until the correct code shows.
Then, press the
PROGRAM button to return to the present time display.
Manual Advance Regeneration Check --- Model WHES30
This check verifies proper operation of the valve motor, brine tank fill, brine draw, regeneration flow
rates, and other controller functions. Always make the initial checks, and the manual initiated
NOTE: The electronic control display must show a steady time (not flashing). If an error code
shows, first press the
PROGRAM button to enter the diagnostic display.
1. Press the
RECHARGE button and hold in for 3 seconds. RECHARGE begins to flash as the
softener enters the fill cycle of regeneration. Remove the brinewell cover and, using a flashlight,
observe fill water entering the tank.
If water does not enter the tank, look for an obstructed nozzle, venturi, fill flow plug, brine tubing, or
brine valve riser pipe.
2. After observing fill, press the
RECHARGE button to move the softener into brining. A slow
flow of water to the drain will begin. Verify brine dra w from the brine tank by shining a flashlight
into the brinewell and observing a noticeable drop in the liquid level. This may take 15 to 20
minutes to notice.
NOTE: Be su re water isin contactwith thesalt,and n otseparated by asaltbridge... see “Breaking
A Salt Bridge” section.
If the water softener does not draw brine, check for (most likely to least likely)
• Dirty or plugged nozzle and venturi, see “Cleaning the Nozzle and Venturi” section
• Nozzle and venturi not seated on the gasket, or gasket defor med
• Restriction invalve drain,causinga back--pressure (bends,kinks,elevatedtoo high, etc.),
see “Install Valve Drain Hose” section
• Obstruction in brine valve or brine tubing
• Inner valve failure (obstructed outlet disc, wave washer deformed, etc.)
NOTE: If watersystempressure is low, anelevated drain hosemay cause back pressure, stopping
brine draw.
3. Again,pressthe
RECHARGEbutton tomove the softener into backwash.Look for afastflow
of water from the drain hose.
An obstructed flow indicates a plugged top distributor, backwash flow plug, or drain hose.