Test for Leaks
To prevent air pressure in the water softener and plumbing system, do the %llowing steps in order.
1. Fully open two or more softened cold water faucets close by the water softener, located
downstream from the water softener.
2. Place the single valve bypass valve or 3 valve bypass in "bypass" position. See "Plan The
Installation" section.
3. Fully open the main water supply valve. Run water until there is a steady flow from the opened
faucets, with no air bubbles.
4. Place bypass valve(s) in "service" or soft water position as follows:
• Single valve bypass: Slowly move the valve stem toward %ervice", pausing several times
to allow the water softener to fill with water.
• 3 valve bypass: Fully close the bypass valve and open the outlet valve. Slowly open the
inlet valve, pausing several times to allow the water softener to fill with water.
5. After about three minutes, open a hot water faucet until there is a steady flow and there are no air
bubbles, then close.
6. Close all cold water faucets and check for leaks at the plumbing connections that you made.
Add Water and Salt to the Salt Storage Tank
Excessive Weight Hazard
Use two or more people to move and install
water softener.
Use two or more people to move and lift salt bags.
Failure to do so can result in back or other injury.
l. Using a container, add about three gallons of clean water into the salt storage tank.
2. Fill the salt storage tank with salt. Use nugget, pellet or coarse solar salts with less than 1%
NOTE: See "Routine Maintenance Section" for additional information on salt.
Sanitize the Water Softener/Sanitize After Service
t. Open salt hole cover and remove the brinewell cover and pour about t- 1/2 oz. (2 to 3 tablespoons)
of household bleach into the softener brinewell. Replace the brinewell cover.
2. Make sure the bypass valve(s) is in the service (open) position.
3. Sanitize procedure will be completed when first cycle is run and sanitizing solution is flushed from
the water softener.
Plug in Water Softener
During installation, the water softener wiring may be moved or jostled from place. Check to be sure
all leadwire connectors are secure on the back of the electronic board and be sure all wiring is away
from the valve gear and motor area, which rotates during regenerations.
t. Plug the water softener into an electrical outlet that is not controlled by a switch.
NOTE: The water heater is filled with hard water and, as hot water is used, it refills with
conditioned water. In a few days, the hot water will be tully conditioned. To have tully
conditioned hot water immediately, wait until the initial recharge is over. Then, drain
the water heater (following instructions for water heater) until water runs cold.