Fork Feels Sticky
This is usually caused by:
1. A lack of lubrication. Clean and lubricate the fork as outlined in the maintenance section.
2. Contamination inside the fork. Clean and lubricate the fork as outlined in the maintenance section.
3. Fork is not sufficiently broken in. Contact White Brothers for further technical information.
The Fork Bottoms Too Easily
1. Incorrect spring air pressure. Add air pressure as outlined in #3 of the tuning section.
2. Insufficient compression damping. Add compression damping by adding air (50-150 lb range) to the top of the right leg.
The Fork Doesn’t Use Full Travel
1. Incorrect spring air pressure. Remove air pressure as outlined in #3 of the tuning section.
2. Excessive compression damping. Reduce the compression damping by removing air (50-150 lb range) from the top of the right
Damping Adjustment is Not Working
1. Damper may need servicing. Contact White Brothers for technical information.
Basic Fork Reassembly
1. Make sure all the spacers and bottoming bumpers are installed on the control rods (see exploded views for proper
installation). With all parts cleaned and reinstalled with new grease, fit the lower assembly over the stanchion tubes and gently
rock and slide together until the control rods are touching the bottom of the lower assembly. Thread the compression screws
into the control rods starting with the damper side and firmly tighten.. Downward pressure on the fork will help hold the
control rods from rotating until the compression screws become tight. Note: Ensure the compression screws are fully tight
before riding.
2. Check the spring air pressure 50-150 psi. Damper pressure should be between 50 and 150 psi.
3. Make sure the fork caps are fully tightened into the top of the stanchion tubes. Connect the front brake and wheel as outlined
in you bicycle owners manual. Ensure that the 20mm axle nut and pinch clamps are tight before riding.
4. Compress the fork to make sure it works smoothly and the brake cable does not interfere with the operation of the fork.