
Your White-Rodgers Humidifier uses the same natural methods of evapora-
tion that you see in mother natures, everyday, normal, environment. Natures
way is simple, a little water spread over a large area with a warm breeze will
evaporate the water and raise the relative humidity, just the same as it would
after a summer shower.
The humidifier accomplishes this with a polyurethane foam evaporator pad
that lifts water from the water pan and into the warm air stream. You will
notice that the evaporator pad has many holes and connecting strands,
these drastically increase the area that the water can evaporate from. This
combined with the warm air in your heating system is what makes the
humidifier work.
The system is controlled by a humidistat that monitors the relative humidity
within your home and activates or deactivates the humidifier accordingly.
Water evaporated from this humidifier leaves behind all the impurities (Cal-
cium, Iron, Lime, Bacteria, etc.) that were contained in the water, thus the
vapor is in a pure form and these impurities are not distributed into your
home. This will keep our home clean and your family safe from these
Your new humidifier is controlled by a humidistat that is installed either on
the cold air return or in the living area on an interior wall. The recommended
settings on this control may seem a bit strange when you first read them. But
there is a reason for them and it can be explained fairly easily. You will notice
the recommended setting goes down with the outdoor temperature, this
seems illogical. If you remember last summer when you were outdoors with
a cold drink the outside of the container became wet and water began to run
down the sides. This is called condensation, caused by the surface of the
container reaching the dew point. This means the air surrounding the con-
tainer contained humidity and the cold surface of the container cooled the air
around it, when cooled the air becomes smaller and is no longer capable of
holding as much moisture as it could hold when it was warm. This is what
caused the moisture to accumulate and run down the container. The same
thing can happen in your home in the winter when the outside temperature
drops and the inside is warm and humid. This is why the settings go down-
ward when the temperature goes down to prevent accumulation on your
windows etc.
At Outside Recommended At Outside Recommended
Temperature Setting Temperature Setting
–20°F. –29°C. 15% +10°F. –12°C. 30%
–10°F. –23°C. 20% +20°F. – 7°C. 35%
0°F. –18°C. 25% Above 20° –7°C. 40%