
Two Channel Infrared Modulator
Model MOD 232
Two Channel Infrared Modulator
Model MOD 232
©2007, Williams Sound Corp. MCAT
002B 3
Bid Specs:
The infrared system shall consist of separate modulator and emitter units, with portable receivers. The
modulator unit shall be a half-rack style, metal enclosure. A rack panel shall be available to mount one
or two modulator units within a single EIA rack space. An adjustable floor stand and mounting bracket
shall be available to mount the modulator and emitter together for portable operation.
The modulator shall provide two channels of selectable FM carrier signals, 2.3/2.8/3.3/3.8 MHz, so that a
single modulator can be used to simultaneously transmit up to two channels, and two modulators can
be ganged together to transmit up to four channels simultaneously. The carrier signals shall use 50 kHz
deviation and 50 µS pre-emphasis. The carrier signals (baseband) shall be transmitted to one or more
emitters by 50 ohm RG58 coaxial cable with BNC-type connectors. A BNC–type baseband input jack and
baseband output jack shall be provided on the modulator. The modulator shall be powered by an
external 24 VAC, 10 VA, 50-60 Hz power supply, connected via a three-pin Molex power connector.
It shall have a rocker-type power switch, power LED indicator, four carrier indicator LEDs and two bar
graph-type LED audio indicators. The modulator shall have a modulated IR LED on the front panel for
testing purposes, and a headphone jack that accommodates mono and stereo 1/4" headphones, and
channel monitoring switch. The modulator shall have two rotary audio input level controls, and a screw-
driver adjustable control for varying the input compression from 1:1 to 4:1. The modulator shall have
two timers that automatically shut off the carriers when there is no audio signal present for 15 minutes.
The modulator shall have two combination input jacks that accept 3-pin XLR plugs for balanced micro-
phone input or 1/4" TRS plugs for balanced or unbalanced line-level inputs. The XLR inputs shall be low
impedance, accept signal levels from 100 µV to 90 mV and supply 15 V simplex power per DIN45596. The
TRS jacks shall accept balanced or unbalanced audio signal levels from 21 mV to 10 V. The modulator
shall have CE, FCC, RoHS, and WEEE approval and carry a five-year parts and labor warranty.*
The modulator shall be the Williams Sound Corp. model MOD 232.
*90 days on accessories.