Instructions for the R7-4 Multi-Channel Receivers:
The multi-channel Receivers have a rotary selector knob on top which allows the user to select any
of four operating channels. The R7-4 tunes channels ACEG. These receivers are designed for use in
multiple channel systems with a number of tour groups or language groups.
Re-Tuning the TOUR GUIDE System:
Radio Interference:
The TOUR GUIDE System is usually not disturbed by other radio services, however there is no such
thing as a clear or exclusive channel for ANY radio service. One of the unique features of the
Williams Sound TOUR GUIDE System is that the operating frequency can easily be changed in the
field to avoid interference. There are ten possible frequencies for tour guide use (72-76 MHz). The
TOUR GUIDE System can be quickly changed to any of these frequencies by your Williams Sound
Authorized Dealer. The Transmitter is changed first. Then the signal produced by the Transmitter is
used to tune the receivers.
T16 Transmitter Frequency Change Procedure:
(Step 1) Remove the Transmitter from the Belt Clip Case.
(Step 2) Open the battery door and remove the battery.
(Step 3) Grasp the right corner of the battery door and lift the flap up and to your left. The back
of the Transmitter case will open like a book, exposing the circuit board.
(Step 4) Use the photo below to locate the channel selector switches.
(Step 5) Use the tip of a paper clip or a small screwdriver (not a pencil point) to move the
switches to correspond with the switch positions on the programming chart. Select a
new frequency at least two channels away from the one you are experiencing interfer-
(Step 6) Close the back of the Transmitter and install the battery. Plug the microphone in and
turn the Transmitter on to provide a tuning signal for the receivers. See the next section
for receiver tuning instructions.
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