Fig. 7a: Overlapping Illumination Patterns to Cover Larger Listening Areas
Multiple Emitters Installed to Maximize Coverage
Fig. 7b: Overlapping Illumination Patterns to Cover Larger Listening Areas
Fig. 7a above is a typical example of how multiple emitters are used to cover larger listening areas.
Generally it is desirable for the illumination patterns to overlap. Note: The coverage area will vary depend-
ing on the infrared receiver being used; refer to Figures 3 and 6 to determine how many emitters are
required to achieve full coverage of a listening area.
When a TX90 transmitter and TX9 emitter are used at the same emission point in single channel mode, the
overall coverage area increases 50%. When using an RX22-4 receiver, as a result, the coverage area will
increase to an estimated 42,000 ft
(3,902 m
); the RX14-2 will increase to 5,250 ft
(488 m
); the RX16 will
increase to 4,590 ft
(426 m
©2008, Williams Sound Corp. MCAT 064A