Assembly 13
29929 (Rev. 3/28/2008)
Wrong: Outer edge of belt appears to be in line.
Figure 8. Incorrect Alignment
V-Belt Shield (See page 16)
Place the V-belt shield (43) over the rear drive and
secure with wing nut.
The caster bundle includes one right and one left
caster assembly, which, on most tractors, is assembled
with the offset away from front wheels, but on 59CL
mounted on IH Cub Lo-Boy, the left caster must be off-
set away from carburetor on the tractor. Therefore,
right caster will offset outward toward front tire. The
front tractor wheels should be moved out about 6" from
narrowest position to provide room for caster wheel to
turn when backing up.
Leaf Mulcher
Turn mower upside down on saw horses. If mower has
a bolt-on front shield, adjust shield all the way down in
long slots. Remove side shields. Leave side skids on. If
optional front roller has been installed, it must be
On mowers with bent-down front frame, remove center
baffle and drill two 7/16 diameter holes in front of
mower at the dimensions shown on page 21.
Attach slotted angles (2) to leaf mulcher as shown in
Place leaf mulcher over blades on mower. Attach
angles (2) to mower side shields to side frame angle on
mower. Mowers with bolt-on front shields will use front
shield hole to attach angle (2). Bolt side shields to
mower using 3/8 flat washers for spacers.
On mowers with bolt-on front shield, bolt front of leaf
mulcher to bottom of slots in front shield with 3/8 x 1"
bolts and flat washers. On mowers with bent-down
front frame, bolt leaf mulcher to inside of mower in
holes drilled in front frame using 3/8 x 1-1/2" bolts and
5/8 long pipe spacers between leaf mulcher and
mower. On some mowers where 5/8" pipe may be too
long, substitute 3/8 flat washers.
Drill 7/16 holes in rear of mower deck through holes in
leaf mulcher rear plates and bolt rear of leaf mulcher to
deck using 3/8 x 1" bolts.
Tighten all bolts securely. Turn each blade individually
inside the leaf mulcher to see that it clears the leaf
mulcher rings. If necessary, the rings may be re-
shaped with a hammer to clear the leaf mulcher rings.
Figure 9. 59CL-4 Idler Bracket and Mounting Assembly Photo