Assembly 23
32695 (Rev. 11/17/2006)
Push Channel Attachment
Select desired cutting height (refer to Operation sec-
tion), and attach push channel arms to idler bracket
with 5/8 x 1-3/4 clevis pins (installed from outside in)
and secure with safety pins.
Belt Installation
Pull belt to rear of tractor. Give belt a 3/4 clockwise
twist between center pulley and left idler. Install belt
under idler and route over drive pulley. A 1/4 clockwise
twist should occur between right idler and center pulley.
If any twist occurs other than these, the belt is incor-
rectly installed. Recheck installation steps and correct
as necessary.
Lift Chain Installation
Straighten lift chains so links are flat (without twist) and
thread through front lift bracket chain idlers mounted
directly above mower frame.
Route chain under tractor and through rear chain idlers
mounted on idler bracket. Make sure chain remains
flat. A twisted chain will not roll smoothly through chain
idler. Insert end of chain into rear lift lugs mounted on
tractor rockshaft arms. When cutting height is adjusted
and installation complete, cut off excess chain leaving
over 4".
Adjust cutting height (refer to Operation section, page
Belt Alignment
See Figure 19 through Figure 24. Belt alignment and
tension should be set at the same time. It is suggested
that you read both the Alignment and Tensioning sec-
tions on page 23 before attempting either. Improper
tension or alignment will affect belt life.
With mower level and cutting height set, check belt
Belt alignment is accomplished by adjusting idler pul-
leys and/or moving the mower forward or to the rear
with push channel adjustment.
Alignment tolerance are shown in Figure 19 through
Figure 24. The best idler alignment is shown in Figure
19 and Figure 22. However, it is not always possible to
achieve. Alignment may be set within the tolerances
given but the left idler must always be at least 1" higher
than the right.
Be sure belt does not rub on rear apron of mower. If
mower is set to high cutting heights, it is sometimes
necessary to run back of mower 1/4" lower than front to
prevent this.
■ Belt must not rub deck or crosswise support.
Figure 19. Best Possible Alignment of Left Idler
Figure 20. Maximum Left Idler Should be Raised
Figure 21. Maximum Left Idler Should be Lowered
Figure 22. Best Possible Alignment of Right Idler
Figure 23. Maximum Right Idler Should be Raised
Figure 24. Maximum Right Idler Should be Lowered
Belt Tension
Set belt tension using a spring scale or other force
measuring device. Remove right belt shield and attach
scale between the center and right pulley. Apply
between three and four pounds of force. Belt deflection
should measure 5/16" for normal conditions.
Tension may be increased if necessary to prevent belt
from slipping in heavy mowing conditions.