12 Hydraulic Installation
PN-46018 (Rev. 3/15/02)
#40542 Hose Kit
(For use with tractor remotes)
NOTE: To use this hydraulic connection, the tractor
must be equipped with two hydraulic levers and four
tractor hydraulic couplers.
Install Hose Clamp Bracket & Channel
1. Install #40539 hose clamp bracket to right loader
mount, using carriage bolts (3), flat washers (4), lock
washers (5), and nuts as shown in Figure 9.
NOTE: Bracket must be installed before the loader is
mounted to the tractor.
2. With loader in mounting position, connect loader
supply hoses to the loader feedlines as shown in Fig-
ure 11.
3. Install #40548 hose clamp channel to hose clamp
bracket. Clamp hoses as shown in Figure 10.
5. 40539 Hose clamp bracket
6. 40548 Hose clamp channel
10. 35735 3/8 NC x 2-1/2 Carriage bolt
11. 66840 3/8 NC Knob
12. 3632 5/8 Flat washer
13. 1286 5/8 Lock washer
14. 230 5/8 NC Hex nut
15. 5607 5/8 NC x 1-1/2 Carriage bolt
Figure 9 Hose Clamp Assembly
Figure 10 Hose Clamp Bracket & Channel Installed
Figure 11 Loader Feedline Identifications
(viewed from rear)
+26( &/$03 &+$11(/
$ %8&.(7 &</ %$6( (1'
% %8&.(7 &</ 52' (1'
& %220 &</ 52' (1'
' %220 &</ %$6( (1'