The foot lift pedal A, allows the operator to raise the
mower deck to the highest position without removing
his/her hands from the traction controls.
To use the foot lift pedal A, press on it to raise the
deck. The picture shows the foot lift pedal mounted
on the RH side of the machine. If you prefer to have
the foot mounted lift pedal on the left hand side,
simply loosen the existing hardware and mount the
foot lift pedal in a similar manner to the left hand side.
Tighten the hardware to secure the foot lift pedal.
FUEL VALVES (U) - A fuel tank selector valve is
provided on oil cooler mounting bracket.The fuel tank
selector valve has three positions:
Off: The tank selector is off when the lever points to-
ward the machine. The selector should be off when-
ever the machine is transported or stands unused for
any length of time. Shutting off the fuel supply avoids
the possibility of ooding should any dirt get under
the carburetor oat needle. Leaving the tank selec-
tor in either tank position can allow severe ooding,
which may ruin the engine by diluting the oil.
Right Tank: Fuel ows from the right tank when the
selector is turned 1/4 turn toward the left, when fac-
ing the valve.
Left Tank: Fuel ows from the left tank when the
selector is turned 1/4 turn toward the right, when fac-
ing the vlave.
Located on oil cooler behind seat.