Administrators Desktop
The desktop that appears for an administrator log-on is a Windows desktop (see
Figure 9). Icons present on the default administrator desktop are My Computer, My
Network Places, Citrix Program Neighborhood, Remote Desktop Connection, Internet
Explorer, Write Filter Enable, and Write Filter Disable (for a description of the Write Filter
Disable and Write Filter Enable icons, refer to “Write Filter Enable and Write Filter Disable
Desktop Icons” on page 45). The Citrix Program Neighborhood, Remote Desktop
Connection, and Internet Explorer application selections are also available from the Start
menu. If the terminal emulation application is installed, it can be opened from the Start |
Programs | TeemNT menu. The Write Filter status icon, the audio volume icon, the VNC
Server icon, and the System time are located in the taskbar system tray. Extended
resources available only to administrators can be accessed from the Start menu.
Figure 9 Example of an administrator desktop
For information about the functionality of the standard Windows XP desktop and Start
menu items, refer to the applicable Microsoft documentation (search and navigate to the
Windows XP Support Center) at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx
Extended selections are described in “Programs Menu Extended Selections” on page 22.
Right-clicking the mouse when the pointer is on the administrators desktop
opens a pop-up menu.