10/97 Fltman.pm65
Persons with heart problems or other
conditions which make them susceptible to
electric shock may still be injured by
ground faults on circuits protected by the
GFCI Receptacle. No safety devices yet
designed will protect against all hazards or
carelessly handled or misused electrical
equipment or wiring.
that power is off at the GFCI protected
outlets. Push the RESET back in and
reconnect the appliances one at a time. A
defective appliance which trips the GFCI
should be repaired at once.
If the RESET button will not stay in
after all appliances have been disconnected
from the circuit, the GFCI outlet has failed.
If the RESET button does not pop out
when the TEST button is pressed, protec-
tion is lost. Do not use.
Test Reminder:
For maximum protec-
tion against electrical shock hazard, test
your ground fault circuit interrupter at least
once a month. Test procedure:
1. Push TEST button. The RESET
button will pop out. Power is now ON or
shore power is ON indicating that the device
is functioning properly.
2. If RESET does not pop out when
testing, do not use this circuit. Protection is
3. To restore power, push the RESET
Remote Control Wiring
The remote control is supplied with a
25 or 50 foot section of telephone cable for
connection to the unit. Simply plug one end
of the cable into the remote connector on
the bottom of the unit labeled remote and
the other end into the connector on the back
of the remote control panel.
Routing the remote cable away from AC
and DC wires will minimize the potential for
interference which may affect the LED
tools or appliances operating from this
device. It does not prevent line-to-ground
electric shock, but does limit the time of
exposure to a period considered safe for a
normally healthy person. It does not protect
persons against line-to-line, or line-to-
neutral faults.
The GFCI Receptacle does not protect
against short circuits or overloads. This is
the function of the circuit breaker.
Any line-to-ground fault condition
indicated by a tripped GFCI must be cor-
rected. Grounded fault conditions are
dangerous to personnel and property.
Should you identify conditions not described
in these instructions, contact a qualified
In the event of power failure which has
not affected the breaker, unplug all cord-
connected appliances and tools from the
GFCI receptacle, and restore power by
pressing in the RESET button on the GFCI
receptacle. To test, press the TEST button.
The RESET button will pop out indicating