24 Freedom SW Owner’s Guide
Operating the Freedom SW with the SCP
Reading the System Status Screen
The System Status screen displays:
• Battery-related information (see Line 2)
• Battery level and inverter/charger operating state (see Line 3)
• Load information (see Line 4)
• AC Input information (see Line 5)
System Status
menu EnInv EnChg Shr
12.1V -257A 84”F
120V 10A 12A
0V 0A 0A
Menu arrow indicates the Enter
button. Pressing Enter displays
the Select Device menu.
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3
Field 4
Field 5
Field 6 Field 8
Field 9 Field 10
Field 7
Field 11
Table 2
System Status Screen
Line 1 Label: “System Settings”
Line 2 Label: Battery
Field 1: Total battery current. Negative value if the battery is discharging and
positive value when charging.
Field 2: Battery voltage
Field 3: Battery temperature
. Also, displays the highest temperature between
stacked inverters that are installed.
a. The unit of temperature can be changed in the SCP Config menu screen.
Line 3 Label: BatLev
Field 4: Displays a bar graph showing the approximate battery level.
Field 5: Freedom SW inverter/charger operating state
Line 4 Label: Load
Field 6: Inverter output voltage at load terminals of the inverter/charger. Voltage
is reported by the Master unit if more than one inverter/charger is installed.
Field 7: Master current
Field 8: Sum of all load current from both inverter and charger. Also, it displays
Slave (or L2 Master) current
b. When in a stacked inverter configuration.
Line 5 Label: AC In
Field 9: AC input voltage at AC In terminals of the inverter/charger. Voltage is
reported by the Master unit if more than one inverter/charger is installed.
Field 10: Master current
Field 11: Sum of all L1 AC input current
from both inverter and charger. Sum of
all load current from both inverter and charger. Also, it displays Slave (or L2
Master) current
c. Only L1 AC input is taken into account. L2 AC input current is not included in the sum in Freedom SW
inverter/charger models where there is L2 AC input.
d. In a single unit setup, the Slave (or L2 Master) will display 0A all the time mainly because of the absence
of a second unit. If two units are stacked, the Master and Slave (or L2 Master) current will display the appro-
priate current values.
Freedom SW 3K2K InvChg Owners Guide.book Page 24 Wednesday, October 9, 2013 1:34 PM