Initial Setup
TM-DIOP-01XN-01 4-5
Ethernet Setup
You must run a Web browser to communicate and configure the XDI
Ethernet. Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator are
such examples.
Configure Ethernet settings:
1. Run your Web browser program.
2. In the address box type in the “Default IP” (Table 4-1).
3. Select the “Setup” link located on the upper left hand side.
4. Configure the Ethernet settings to your unique setup (see “Setup
Page” on page 4–15).
Ensure that the unit’s IP address is unique on the network.
Ensure the computer’s IP address and sub-net mask are compatible with the
unit’s. (contact network administrator for details).
Table 4-1
Default Settings
Setting Default Value
Default IP
Gateway IP
Sub-Net Mask
Domain Name Server 1
Domain Name Server 2
SMTP (email) Server none
Email Alert Address none
Password 12345
Be careful when you change the network settings. If they are
changed to a value where communication can not be established any more, a hard
reset must be done (see “Resetting” on page 4–6).