Preparing for Installation
975-0054-01-01 2–5
Materials for XS400 and S400 Remote Switch
To install the XS400 and S400 Remote Switch, you require:
❐ DC cables (See Table 2-1 on page 2–9.)
❐ Appropriately sized connectors. Two DC connectors suitable for ¼
inch (6 mm) that go on the DC input cable terminals. The other cable
connectors will depend on your installation.
❐ Crimping tool for fastening lugs and terminals on DC cables (You
may find it more convenient to have the crimp connectors attached by
the company that sells you the cable.)
❐ DC fuse and Disconnect or DC circuit breaker (See page 2–9.)
❐ Four #10 hardware fasteners to mount the XS400
❐ Four #6 self-tapping screws to mount the S400 Remote Switch
Materials for AC output hardwiring
❐ Cable requirements:
• within the range of No. 14 to No. 18 AWG (minimum size)
• 3 conductors
• solid or stranded
❐ 1/2 inch cable clamp