Any result achievable by the use of other functions may also
be carried out by the use of this function.
A colon denotes that the next number is the HEX code number
applied to the following escape sequence.
You can have two levels of macros.
Example @Y90, 1A, ‘ABCD’ :8F, ‘@Y8, 4@’ @ exchanges future
occurrences of @1A with ABCD. The rest of the sequence :8F,
@Y8, 4@ exchanges future occurrences of @8F with @Y8, 4@
which sets default code pages.
Y91—GFID/Font Select Setup
@Y91, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 {,n6}@
Specifies the relationship between IBM Global Font Identifiers
(GFIDs) and the internally defined fonts. It sets the parameters
for Attributes (that is, bold and italics), Symbol Set, and Point
Size. It is possible to define up to 16 GFID/font specifications
this way.
N Note: (Y91, Y92, Y93, Y94) are not required unless you want to
change the GFIDs and/or internally defined fonts provided as
default with this interface. More information is in the "Font
selection via FSL in Coax" section in Chapter 4.
n1 IBM GFID Number with valid values from 1—
n2 Typeface with valid values from 0—255. The
possible typefaces 0—255 are used as part of the
preprogrammed typeface command for the
relevant printer driver.
n3 Attributes with valid values from 0—255. The
possible Attribute values are:
0 Remove all current attributes
1 Bold
2 Italics
3 Bold and Italics
4 Proportional Font
5 Proportional Font Bold
6 Proportional Font Italics
7 Proportional Font Bold and Italics
16 Reserved (Shaded)
32 Reserved (Inverse)
When a Y91 specified GFID is received, the following is verified:
If Y92 Point Size String is defined, this is sent. If Y92 is not
defined, the point size defined in Y91 is sent. (Refer to “Y92—
Point Size Strings” section.)
If you use the compatibility font set, the relationship between
font and the Global Font ID (GFID) is provided, hence, the
appropriate font is selected in GFID. Refer to “Font support and
selection” chapter for detailed information on GFIDs, and a
description of the interaction of Y91, Y92, Y93 and Y94.
Refer also to the “IBM GFID to PCL fonts attribute” appendix for
PCL fonts and their equivalent IBM GFIDs.