FSL escape character
The coax interface for the Xerox MRP Family is managed by
special escape sequences sent to the printer using the FSL
commands. FSL escape sequences are command sequences
preceded by a user-defined escape character. When an FSL
escape character appears in the data stream, the printer interprets
the characters following it as a command string and not as
characters to be printed.
When you have defined an escape character, you can configure
the interface according to your needs.
When a character has been defined as an escape character, you
cannot use it as a normal character and print it. However, you
do not need to have an escape character defined permanently.
When it has served its purpose, it can be removed.
The escape character described in this chapter is different from
the printer escape character and the IBM escape character and
cannot be used for sending native printer commands or system
This section describes how to configure and manage the coax
interface controller for the 4220/MRP and 4230/MRP by the use
of escape sequences.
The factory defaults of the printer suffice for most uses, and in
most cases, system software controls the facilities described in
this chapter.
Types of FSL escape character
FSL escape characters are either temporary or permanent. Their
functionalities are as follows:
Temporary (&&??n)
• Changes the interface set-up.
• Activates any FSL function.
• Sends transparent data.
• Stores and retrieves interface settings.
The syntax, &&??@, for instance, defines @ as the temporary
escape character. The five-character syntax is sent to the printer
from the host system. This escape character is not defined
permanently, and is lost when the printer is powered off.
• Has the same functionalities as a temporary escape character.
• Remains active at power on.
Use FSL function Y48 to select a permanent escape character that
immediately saves the settings in the permanent memory. Refer
to the “Y48—Permanent Escape” section for further description.
Using FSL escape character
You may define this character by sending the following character
sequence from the host: