Page 11-56 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Mailbox Files (DC440/432/430/425)/Failed Fax
Files (DC426/420)
Displays a list of fax jobs that were unsuccessful after
attempting to send the job a specified number of times
depending on current settings.
Refer to the following descriptions for more information.
Auto Delete automatically deletes all failed fax documents.
Delete in 24 hours (DC426/420) automatically deletes all failed fax documents after 24 hours.
Keep keeps all failed fax documents until they are manually deleted.
Files for Polling (DC440/432/430/425)
Contains data for documents scanned and stored in memory in
order to send them to a remote terminal when polled.
On the DC426/420 this feature is known as Files Stored for
Refer to the following description for more information.
¾ On the DC440/432/430/425
select [Mailbox Files]. (On
the DC426/420 select [Failed
Fax Files]).
¾ Select the required default