Page 15-6 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
LDAP An acronym for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A
protocol that allows sharing or corporate phone book
Long Document a document that is longer than 23" (584.2 millimeters), typically
called a log.
Long Edge Feed (LEF) the long edge of the paper is positioned to enter the machine
Low Power Mode a Power Saver Mode that reduces power consumption when
the machine is not in use.
Mailbox a storage area in the machine’s memory where fax documents
are stored.
Mailbox Polling retrieves a document from the mailbox of a remote machine.
Manual Answer Mode a selection that prevents the machine from automatically
answering the telephone.
Mask Data private data that the machine conceals when the forward slash
key (/) is selected, by displaying special characters in the place
of the private data.
Media Print prints Postscript and PCL files from a floppy disk inserted into
the floppy disk drive in the machine.
Memory a capacity for storing documents.
Node a number that identifies a network. It works like an address.
Non-Standard Paper sizes other than 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”, 8 1/2” x 11”, 8 1/2” x 14” and
11” x 17”.
Open System the DC440/432/430/426/425/420 is not connected to a tracking
Options Report a report that lists the options currently installed on the machine.