Page 4-54 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
character (/) again to turn off Mask Data. The characters or
numbers entered between the slash (/) characters are
displayed as asterisks (*).
Password Check Switch [S] for remote terminal identification. This character verifies that
the correct number has been dialed, which is very important if
sending a confidential document. A password is required
before transmission to a remote machine. For example,
1234567S4567 (where as 1234567 is the telephone number
and 4567 after the S is the password) instructs the machine to
check for validity, which is also known as Secure Send. The
machine does not dial any number after the S.
Pulse to Tone Switch [:] to switch between pulse and tone dialing.
Begin DTMF [*] start a sequence of DTMF characters.
End DTMF [#] end a sequence of DTMF characters.
Wait for network tone
detection [W]
to suspend dialing until an expected network tone is detected.
Or it can be used to detect a specific tone when accessing an
outside line or other services.
Local ID [+] character check
required as part of some international telephone numbers (in
place of 00).
Local ID [space] character
check [ ]
to improve readability. For example, adding spaces to a
telephone number as 1 234 5678 instead of 12345678.
The keypad corresponds to the control panel telephone
keypad buttons.