Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing System Color Calibration Process for v1.1.6 Software
Color Management Guide 5-25
For Duplex Systems
Create a queue that uses the TRC’s created for the upstream and downstream as User TRC’s.
1. On the left-side navigation pane of the Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing
System PC-UI, select [Queue Management].
2. Select [New].
3. In the Queue Name field, type [CalibrationConfirmation].
4. Under the Data Format drop-down menu, select [PDF].
5. In the Delete Job After Printing box, select the [Manual] radio button.
6. For Input Process Mode, select the [Spool] and [Do Not Hold Job] radio buttons.
7. For Output Process Mode, select the [Spool] and [Do Not Hold Job] radio buttons.
8. In the Extended Spool box, select the [Enable] radio button.
9. Select the [Paper Setting] tab.
10. In the Paper Identifier drop-down menu, select the imposition file [Duplex_PreCal].