System Guide Security and Network Setup
Common Controller 4-19
dt/bin/dtspcd /usr/dt/bin/dtspcd xaudio stream
tcp wait root /usr/openwin/bin/Xaserver
Xaserver -noauth -inetd 100068/2-5 dgram rpc/
udp wait root /usr/dt/bin/ rpc.cmsd rpc.cmsd
###100083/1 tli rpc/tcp wait root /usr/dt/bin/
rpc.ttdbserverd /usr/dt/bin/
rpc.ttdbserverd536870916/1 dgram rpc/udp wait
root /opt/SUNWvts/bin/vtsk /opt/SUNWvts/bin/
Quick reference
If you would like to customize a security level that is between the
"medium" and "high" settings. The following assumes basic
UNIX familiarity.
Table 4-1.
How Do I? Answer
Enable/disable telnet? Edit the /etc/inet.conf file. To
enable, remove the ### signs
in front of the line that begins
with the word "telnet". To
disable, add the ### signs.
Enable/disable FTP? Execute the enable-ftp or
disable-ftp script
Enable/disable NFS server? Go to the /etc/rc3.d directory.
Rename S15nfs.server to
_S15nfs.server and either
reboot or type /etc/init.d/
nfs.server stop
Enable/disable NFS client? Go to the /etc/rc2.d directory.
Rename S73nfs.client to
_S73nfs.client and either
reboot or type /etc/init.d/
nfs.client stop