
FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Submission Client
To submit a file list
1. In the Workflow Submission Client Get Files area, browse to
the location of the saved file list.
2. Select the appropriate file list, identified by an .xfl file
3. Continue with step 2 of the Submitting a job procedure.
Limitations for Save File List
Repository files that have been saved in a Xerox File List (.xfl) can
be successfully loaded only if the Workflow Submission Client
application has not been closed since the file list was first created.
Once the Workflow Submission Client application is closed, the
temporary repository files are removed. If you re-launch the
application and load the file list, an error message will display for
each of the removed repository files.
Submitting Zip files
Zip files can be submitted only via a hot folder.
Submitting VI Containers (.vpc)
VI Container files (.vpc) can be submitted via Workflow
Submission Client only to workflows containing Review, Print,
Save, Convert and Impose. Jobs submitted to workflows with
processes other than these will fail.