• Attention light, located on top of the inverter-feeder/stacker
module, alerts operator when printer needs attention
• Attention alarm, located within the printer, alerts the operator
when the printer needs attention
• Screen saver on the printer monitor
Paper handling • 16-pound bond to 110-pound index/60-gsm to 200-gsm, cut-
sheet paper, colored, preprinted, predrilled, or preperforated
• Variable paper sizes such as A3 (11.69 by 16.54 inches/297 by
420 mm, 11 by 17 inches/297 by 432 mm), B4 (10.12 by 14.3
inches/257 by 363 mm), and B5 (7.17 by 10.12 inches/182 by
257 mm)
• Transparencies, high-speed label stock, oversized covers, tab
stock, and other specialized application materials
• Software-controlled paper stock management with four
feeder trays
• Waste management and audit logging that allow more
control of sensitive paper stocks by increasing the amount of
information available with regard to how many sheets were
fed from which tray as well as the final destination of the
Forms • Electronically created and stored at LPS or host
• Changeable on a page-to-page basis
• Functionally compatible with Xerox 9790/8790/4090/4050 LPS
forms, logos, and signatures
• Electronic form and variable data printed at the same time for
accurate registration
• Multiple forms per page with Interpress and RIP options
• Preprinted forms.
Fonts • Proportional or fixed character spacing
• Variable character size of 3 to 36 points
• Spacing of 4 to 30 characters per inch (cpi)
• Up to 128 fonts per page from extensive library of standard
and optional fonts
• 300 dots per inch (dpi) font data interpolated to produce 600
spi print resolution
• Logo and signature fonts
• Multinational character set
• Loadable from host, magnetic tape, or cartridge tape
• 32 Mbits font memory; expandable to 128 Mbits
• Selectable on a character-to-character basis.
Printed format • Variable spacing of 3 to 18 lines per inch (lpi)
• Spacing of 4 to 30 characters per inch (cpi)