Other Xerox Phaser
Simple design = simple maintenance
The Phaser 8560 printer technology is legendary for its ease of use.
Loading ink is as easy as loading a stapler — even a child can do it.
In sharp contrast, the Ricoh CL3500 is a complicated device, as illustrated
in the photo below. Users must access complex mechanisms to replace
a large number of consumables inside the CL3500.
Intuitive front panel display
The Phaser 8560 front panel display is larger and shows more helpful
information, including animated graphics to aid in maintenance.
The Ricoh CL3500 device’s front panel is smaller, provides less
information at a glance, and requires more button-pushing to find
what you need.
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, Phaser
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are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. 2/08 85ACC-07UA
Competitive Comparison
More environmentally friendly
For every 100,000 printed
pages, a solid ink printer
generates approximately
5 lbs. of waste, compared
to approximately 157 lbs.
for a typical color laser.
• Limited 2-line display
with no animation
Ricoh CL3500
Phaser 8560
Ricoh CL3500 Supplies
Real-world performance
The Phaser 8560 has a dramatic performance advantage over Ricoh’s
CL3500 printer in both specifications and most importantly real-world
Phaser 8560
• 6-line display, complete with
Phaser 8560 Ricoh CL3500
Excel spreadsheet (1 page) 7 seconds 19 seconds
2-page real estate PDF
15 seconds 32 seconds
Complex multilayered file
39 seconds 37 seconds
Note: All pages printed in default print modes on letter-size media.
Typical color laser printer
Solid Ink printer
Ricoh CL3500