Xerox ColorQube 9201/9202/9203 Evaluator Guide 9
Sustainability is not just a nice-to-do
at Xerox. We view it as a way of doing
business, not as a cost of doing business.
In fact, Xerox focused on environmental
performance and sustainability long
before it was popular to do so.
In the 1980s Xerox was the first
company to introduce energy-saving
power-down features on its equipment,
and the first to make two-sided printing
a standard on its systems, significantly
reducing paper use.
In the 1990s, Xerox pioneered office
equipment remanufacturing and helped
shape the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program
for imaging equipment.
In 1997, Xerox was an early adopter of
ISO 14001, an international standard for
environmental management. An early
adopter of the new standard, Xerox
certified all its major manufacturing
sites within a year of the standard’s
Xerox continues to use innovation
and leadership to drive environmental
performance through its value chain:
Since 1991, more than 2 billion pounds
of waste have been diverted from
landfills through our Product Take-Back
and Recycling Program.
In 2003, Xerox joined the US EPA
Climate leaders program and pledged
to cut greenhouse gas emissions from
worldwide operations by 10 percent
from 2002 to 2012. Xerox reached
that goal six years early, achieving an
18 percent reduction from the 2002
baseline by the end of 2006. Xerox
has set a new goal to reduce total
greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent
by 2012.
In 2007, Xerox invented High-Yield
Business Paper™, which uses 50 percent
fewer trees than conventional paper.
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