6 Microsoft Networking
76 Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre/WorkCentre Pro 123/128 System Administration Guide
3. For Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me, enter the password (SMB
Administrator Password) only. For Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP,
enter the user name (SMB Administrator Name) and password (SMB
Administrator Password).
Then, click [OK]. The [admintool] folder will be opened.
NOTE: The factory default for the System Administrator Name is [11111], and the
default System Administrator Password is [x-admin]. You are advised to change the
name and password from the default ones.
4. Open [config.txt] using a text editing application, for example Notepad.
NOTE: [config.txt] can also be changed from CentreWare Internet Services.
5. Make changes to the appropriate items, and then save and close [config.txt].
NOTE: For more information about [config.txt], refer to Setting Format of config.txt on
page 76.
The [message.txt] file is then created inside the [admintool] folder.
6. Open [message.txt] and check that it displays the information shown in the
following table.
NOTE: If [message.txt] is not displayed, select [Refresh Status] from the [View] menu.
If an error message appears, check the information has been set correctly in
7. Close [message.txt].
8. Switch off the machine. After the display on the touch screen clears, switch on the
machine again.
NOTE: The changes you have made will be enabled either after switching off and on,
or after saving [config.txt] with its Reboot option set to [Yes].
Setting Format of config.txt
Item Remarks Value Default
Printer Language Language to be used English English
Host Name Host name of the machine Maximum
15 bytes
(xxxxxx: last 6
characters of the
MAC address of
the machine)
Workgroup Name of printer workgroup Maximum
15 bytes
NetBEUI Activation of NetBEUI protocol On/Off On
TCP/IP Activation of TCP/IP protocol On/Off On