The six character codepage name (excluding T0) that describes the AFP codepage
• Xerox Font Name
The name of the Xerox XES source font. The supplied names are case sensitive. Do
not specify the trailing -l and -p identifiers (landscape & portrait).
Termination of the FONTTAB definition is performed using the X'00' terminator (DC X'00').
Up to 63 fonts can be specified in the FONTTAB definition (for a total of 126 font references,
for both landscape/portrait orientation).
Modifications to the Lead-in and Lead-out strings
The default MPI lead-in and lead-out strings can be modified to match your installation re-
quirements. Default settings are designed for operation in conjunction with MPI escape se-
quences. The MPILI, MPILO, MPILIL, MPILOL entries describe the lead-in and lead-out
sequences (and their corresponding lengths). The two to five character lead-in and lead-
out sequences should be specified in the MPILI and MPILO statements respectively. MPI
lead-in and lead-out strings can be disabled by indicating a null length value in the MPLIL
and MPILOL constants.
Modification of Page Length and Margins
The IMARGINS entry can be used to modify the page margin values, for printing in both
portrait and landscape directions. The IMARGINS entry is used to identify the start of page
margin definitions. Two sets of values are supplied, for both portrait and landscape values
respectively. All values are supplied in 1/7200ths of an inch. For each set of values, a page
length, top, bottom, left and right margin values are required. The format of this entry is
similar to the XES margins command.
Height Page height, (distance between the top edge and the
bottom edge of the page).
Top Margin Distance from the top edge of the page to the baseline
of the characters in the first line of text.
Bottom Margin Distance from the bottom edge of the page to the
baseline of the characters in the last line of text.
Left Margin Distance from the left edge of the page to the leftmost
point of the first character in each line.
Right Margin Distance from the left edge of the page to the right side
of the last character in each line.
XES Transform modifications 37