WorkCentre M128/M123 Reference Guide
Sample PostScript Headers
Example 1 Header for Simple Print
Example 2 Header for Finishing
(Letter paper, duplex, 10 copies with collation, stapling with left-upper single
and stacker tray for output bin)
<</PageSize [612 792]>>setpagedevice
<</Duplex true /Tumble false>>setpagedevice
<</OutputType (FINISHER TRAY1)>>setpagedevice
<</Collate true>>setpagedevice
<</NumCopies 10>>setpagedevice
<</Staple 3 /StapleDetails << /Type 7 /Location 0 >>
PostScript Feature Dependencies/Caveats
• All DSC comments are ignored and not interpreted.
• The WorkCentre supports PostScript resolutions up to and including 1200 x
1200. Some PostScript jobs may not print if you use this resolution. If
printing stops, reprint the same job at a lower resolution.
• Valid media sizes for duplexing are between [253 x 360] and [841 x 1224]
(point) except Hagaki, Double Hagaki, Postcard, Tyou-Youkei 3, Com10,
Monarch, DL, C4, and C5.
• Valid media sizes for stapling include A3, A4, B4, B5, 8.5x11, 8.5x13,
8.5x14, 11x17, 8-Kai, 16-Kai, and 7.25 x 10.5.
• Do not duplex transparency and recycled paper jobs.
• Do not staple any job with all paper class except stationary, recycled and
used (backing) paper.