CAN Getting Started Guide www.xilinx.com 17
UG186 April 19, 2010
Chapter 4
Detailed Example Design
This chapter provides detailed information about the example design, including a
description of files and the directory structure generated by the Xilinx CORE Generatorâ„¢
software, the purpose and contents of the provided scripts, the contents of the example
HDL wrappers, and the operation of the demonstration test bench.
top directory link - white tex t invisible
<project directory>topdirectory
Top-level project directory; name is user-defined
<project_directory>/<component name>
Core release notes file
Product documentation
<component_name>example design
Verilog and VHDL design files
Implementation script files
Results directory, created after implementation scripts are run, and
contains implement script results
Simulation scripts
Functional simulation files
Simulation files