
ML310 User Guide www.xilinx.com 61
UG068 (v1.01) August 25, 2004 1-800-255-7778
High-Speed I/O
Table 2-28 Shows the various Voltage monitor information.
High-Speed I/O
Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGAs offer a variety of high-speed I/O solutions. The ML310
Embedded Development Platforms high-speed I/O is based on the XC2VP30-FF896
FPGAs RocketIO multi-gigabit transceivers (MGTs) and LVDS capability. The high-speed
I/O signals on the FPGA are accessible through two personality module (PM) connectors,
PM1 and PM2, on the ML310 board. The ML310 is the host board, functioning as the
development platform for Virtex-II Pro FPGA. The PM connectors on the ML310 board
provide a means for extending the functionality of the board through high-speed I/O pins.
Personality modules connect to the ML310 board using Tyco Z-Dok+ docking connectors,
PM1 and PM2. In addition to having differential pairs and shielding ground connections,
Z-Dok+ connectors include utility connections for power, ground, and sensing. Tyco Z-
Dok+ high-speed connectors are rated to 6.25 Gb/s.
Figure 2-19 shows a personality module connected to the ML310 board through the PM1
and PM2 connectors. The plug, located on the ML310 board, is referred to as the host board
connector; the receptacle, located on the personality module, is referred to as the adapter
board connector.
Table 2-28: Voltage Monitor Information
Schem Name Voltage Testpoint
VCC1V5 1.5V TP17 DS8 Regulated FPGA Core voltage
VCC2V5 2.5V TP14 DS6 Regulated FPGA / Board Logic
VCC3_PCI 3.0V TP10 DS4 Regulated FPGA PCI Bank 1-2 Voltage
VCC3V3 3.3V TP8 DS2 Regulated PCI/Misc Logic
VCC5V 5.0V TP16 DS7 From ATX Supply, All Regulators Derive Power
VTT_DDR 1.25V TP13 DS5 Regulated DDR Termination (SSTL2)
MGT_AVCC 2.5V N/A DS3 Regulated MGT Power
MGT_VTT 1.8V N/A DS1 Regulated MGT Power
VCC3V3_ATX 3.3V TP20 N/A Not used
VCC12V_P +12V TP18 N/A Direct from ATX Supply
VCC12V_N -12V TP19 N/A Direct from ATX Supply
* Green = Voltage Nominal
* Red = Voltage Fault