ML361 Virtex-II Pro Memory Board www.xilinx.com 27
UG060 (v1.2) November 8, 2007
Duty Cycle Summary
• There is a total of 4.9 inches of trace from the FPGA to the last component assuming
the DDR memory components are 0.6 inch apart.
Microstrip is used to model the transmission lines for the first DDR component. All other
DDR components use Buried Microstrip to model the transmission lines.
Terminations and Transmission Lines for the DIMM
Data and Clock Signals (DQ, DQS, DM, CLK)
For these DIMM signals, the terminations at the FPGA and memory consist of a 50Ω
parallel termination pulled up to 1.3 V.
Ω transmission lines are used with less than ± 1% tolerance on the transmission line
impedance. The transmission line lengths are as follows:
• There is a 65 mm trace length from FPGA to memory with ± 0.5 mm tolerance.
• A maximum of 1 inch tolerance is allowed to include the FPGA internal package skew
and the skew between the ball of the FPGA to the resistor pack. Package deskew is
necessary if the 1 inch tolerance is not met.
Address and Control Signals (A, BA, RASn, CASn, WEn, CSn, CKE)
For the address and control signals, no termination is required at the FPGA or DIMM.
Use 50
Ω transmission lines with less than ± 5% tolerance on the transmission line
impedance. The recommendations for the transmission line lengths are as follows:
• There must be a 65 mm trace length from FPGA to memory with ± 5 mm tolerance.
• Use a maximum of 1 inch tolerance to include the FPGA internal package skew and
the skew between the ball of the FPGA to the resistor pack. Package deskew is
necessary if the 1 inch tolerance is not met.
Duty Cycle Summary
Table 4-3 summarizes the duty cycle measurements taken from prelayout simulations on
Ω transmission lines. Refer to “IBIS Simulations,” page 29 for more simulation results.
Table 4-3: Duty Cycle Summary
No. Signal DDR Component Case
Duty Cycle
Measured at
Duty Cycle
Measured at
FPGA (%)
1 Address/control Last component
(farthest from FPGA)
Typical 49.22/50.92 NA
Slow weak 49.22/50.63 NA
Fast strong 49.22/51.2 NA
2 Address/control First component
(closest to FPGA)
Typical 48.94/51.2 NA
Slow weak 49.22/51.48 NA
Fast strong 48.66/51.2 NA