ML605 Hardware User Guide www.xilinx.com 15
UG534 (v1.2.1) January 21, 2010
Detailed Description
See the Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA documentation for more information at
2. 512 MB DDR3 Memory SODIMM
A 512MB DDR3 SODIMM is provided as a flexible and efficient form-factor volatile
memory for user applications. The ML605 SODIMM socket is wired to support a
maximum SODIMM size of 2 GB.
The ML605 DDR3 64-bit wide interface has been tested to 800 MT/s.
The DDR3 interface is implemented in FPGA banks 25, 26, 35, and 36. DCI VRP/N resistor
connections are only implemented banks 26 and 36. DCI functionality in banks 25 and 35 is
achieved in the UCF by cascading DCI between adjacent banks as follows:
Table 1-4 shows the connections and pin numbers for the DDR3 SODIMM.
Bank 24 VCC2V5_FPGA 2.5V
Bank 25 VCC1V5_FPGA 1.5V
Bank 26 VCC1V5_FPGA 1.5V
Bank 32 VCC2V5_FPGA 2.5V
Bank 33 VCC2V5_FPGA 2.5V
Bank 34 VCC2V5_FPGA 2.5V
Bank 35 VCC1V5_FPGA 1.5V
Bank 36 VCC1V5_FPGA 1.5V
1. The VITA 57.1 specification stipulates that the Bank 12 voltage named
FMC_VIO_B_M2C is supplied by the FMC card plugged onto the relevant
FMC connector (ML605 J64). FMC_VIO_B_M2C cannot exceed the base
board (ML605) Vadj of the FMC connector. The ML605 FMC Vadj
maximum is 2.5V.
Table 1-3: Voltage Rails (Cont’d)
U1 FPGA Bank I/O Rail Voltage
Table 1-4: DDR3 SODIMM Connections
U1 FPGA Pin Schematic Net Name
Pin Number Pin Name
L14 DDR3_A0 98 A0
A16 DDR3_A1 97 A1
B16 DDR3_A2 96 A2
E16 DDR3_A3 95 A3
D16 DDR3_A4 92 A4
J17 DDR3_A5 91 A5