
The 22001X features a three-way electronic crossover. The
crossover is tied to a set of inputs and controls the frequency range
of the associated Channels. Independent frequency selection is provided for
both the High and Low Pass sections. A set of selectable RCA line outputs (to
feed additional components) are included with the crossover. In addition, the
crossover features two on-board header jumpers (one for the amplifier and
one for the RCA line outputs) which allows you to select Bypass (Full Range),
High Pass, Low Pass, and/or Band Pass mode. When chosen, the Band Pass
selection is
available via the Low Pass jumper position for the RCA line out-
The following Frequency Modules (SIPs)* are available from your Xtant
Dealer: 50 Hz, 70 Hz, 80 Hz, 90 Hz, 120 Hz, 150 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz, 700 Hz,
1 kHz, 3 kHz, 4 kHz, and 5 kHz.
Please refer to the Installer’s Reference (insert) for the Frequency Module recep-
tacle(s) location and chart of frequency/SIP value code numbers
* SIP: an acronym referring to multiple resistors in a Single In-Line Package